games tagged posts

The Deathfire Backer Portal has arrived!

If you have not yet backed “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” yet, please allow me to remind you that with the close of the Kickstarter campaign, all Kickstarter pledges have been voided. Therefore, if you wish to support us and help us bring the game to life, please consider supporting us once again, as we now accept pledges directly here, using Paypal – both through Paypal accounts and credit cards.

But on to the real reason of this update—the first version of our Backer Portal is now live, which allows our backers to link their Paypal account and their original Kickstarter name with their Deathfire User Account. If you do not yet have one, no worries, the system will allow you to create one very quickly.

Once you went through the sign-up and activation process, you will be able ...

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Physical Reward Tiers have arrived!

Many of you have been waiting for this, and as promised, we now have Physical Reward Tiers available to pledge on as well!

Important Note: If you have already pledged and would like to increase your pledge to a new reward tier, please simply make a pledge covering the difference! You will be able to manage your reward tier later in the Backer Portal where all your pledge amounts will be visible and accumulated!

If you will select the new reward tier and pay it in full, we would have to refund your original pledge, which causes a lot of additional work and confusion on our end!

Once again, we have tried to incorporate and carry over as much as possible from the original Kickstarter campaign, though, certain amends had to be made in order to accommodate certain changes in the overall re...

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