After months of waiting, and wondering what the game may actually look like, it is finally time for us to pull the veil off “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” and show you the first actual in-game screenshots.
The shots you see are by their very nature works in progress still, as the game is still under development and tweaks and changes occur on an almost daily basis under such circumstances, but we felt, they would give you a good first idea what the game itself will look like. What you see here is part of a secret dungeon that the player has to locate in the game, as it holds much valuable information, as well one of the keys to unriddle the events happening in the game.
Indoor locations such as this dungeon are only one way how you will experience the game world. Outdoor environments will make up another big part of the game and hopefully we’ll be able to give you a first glimpse at an example of such an environment soon as well.
For now, we hope you will enjoy a look at these screenshots we have prepared for you and keep in mind that this is a first visual pass at this dungeon and that we will continue to improve, polish and expand upon this.
Please click on the thumbnail images below for a larger view.

I’m very much looking forward to his title!!! Screenshots look great!
Guido, for some reason the N in all the sidebar headings in the top menu is missing. Something is wrong with that font.
The environments look great, but oh God those portraits… are not so good…
The way the health/mana bars wrap round them looks like Dragon Age 2 or something, and they have this cheap plastic look about them, like they are pulled straight from some MMORPG. Sorry for the criticism, but I feel I have to say it, portraits in a first-person RPG are EXTREMELY important and people get very picky about them because they are pretty much the only visual representation of your characters (unless you plan paperdoll inventory) and you will be seeing them 100% of the time in-game, so more than anything else they need to be “perfect”…
I have to disagree with Sammy.
I actually really like the portraits.
Yeah, the portraits need to be as good as the environments, and it looks like they could use some work, but…that character font is awesome! I hope you keep that font!