We have been working towards this moment for the past months, and we’ve truly been laying it down for the past 8 weeks, and today is the big day. By the time you are reading this our Kickstarter campaign for “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” has gone live!
Today, the Kickstarter campaign for “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore” has gone live!
To take a look at the campaign, simply click here, and we’ll take you to the Kickstarter page.
Even if you have followed our Development Diary for the past weeks, I can guarantee you that you will find a number of surprises there. While we’ve been talking about various aspects of the development, we have not told you everything. Naturally, we were holding back information and some details to make sure we can reveal new information as part of the Kickstarter campaign, and also because the time was simply not right yet to discuss certain things.
More importantly, however, you will find lots of new screenshots from the game and images from our pre-production, along with plenty of actual in-game video clips as part of the video pitch on Kickstarter. We hope you will like what you see and we hope, most sincerely, that you will become a backer of the game.
I want to take this moment real quick to also point a couple of things of interest.
For those of you fluent or native in German, we are running a Kickstarter Diary on the PC Games website where we will periodically talk about the campaign and how things are shaping up. Please stop by regularly for what I am sure will become an insightful coverage of the campaign.
Also for those German-speakers among you, we are also hosting a translated version of the Kickstarter main page, on our server, which can be found here. It will hopefully make it a little easier for you to get with all the details.
Make sure you back soon! We have special perks for fans who back our project within the first 24 hours. Apart from getting a special forum badge, you will also get a cool and fun in-game item. Nothing game-changing, but a fun item that might add some convenience or fun factor to the game.
In addition to that, in order to set the campaign on its path with a truly strong start, we are also trying to gather at least 1,500 backers during the first 48 hours of the campaign. If we reach this goal, we will create a special cover for the Kickstarter Edition of the game. We sincerely hope we can count on you for your support. Not, perhaps, because of these gimmicks, but because you feel that “Ruins of Nethermore” is truly a game with potential, and because you want to help enable us continue on with the development of this game.
Please also help us, gather momentum for the campaign and to give it visibility. Go out, champion the game and tell the world about the Kickstarter campaign. We are certain your friends would love to hear about it, too, and perhaps they would like to get in on the action as well.
In order to show your support for ”Deathfire,” and to help get the word out, we have created a selection of avatars for you that you can use. Pick your favorite and make it your forum or social network avatar for the duration of the campaign to help draw attention to the campaign. Remember, the more people are aware of the campaign and back “Deathfire,” the better the odds that we will reach our funding goal.
To grab, simply right-click the image of your choice and select “Save as” or “Save image as”
Last, but not least, please make sure to stop by our Message Boards. Share your impressions or thoughts of “Deathfire” with others. See what they are thinking or just spin your wheels a little.
Thank you so much for all your support! We have been looking forward to this Kickstarter campaign for some time and all our efforts during the past weeks have been leading up to this. Now, we entrust our fate to your hands.
I’ve backed, and may well have been first. I couldn’t find anything stated re DRM, can you tell us if we will get a DRM free copy of the game?
Oh and will there be an English version of the Kickstarter Diary?
I am not entirely sure if we will be able to create an English version of the Kickstarter Diary because of the time it takes to put all of that together, but we’ll see. Fortunately, the Bing Translator is not half bad, so you might be able to follow it using that.
Will a Steam key be available to those who would like to access re-installs via that route?
Yes, indeed. We will try to make the whole experience as easy, seamless and pleasant as possible. I do not believe in penalizing paying customers by limiting or mistrusting them.